Mentorship Programs
We all need a little help every now and then, let Fluid Minds guide you in the right direction with daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly programs to suit your needs.
Do you feel like you're at a crossroads?
Are you fed up of trying other things that don't work?
Are you struggling with an Addiction, Mental Health, Illness, Disease or Trauma?
Are you already on a program elsewhere or been through detox with little results?
Would you like to know how you can turn your life around?
Here at Fluid Minds, we offer a very personal service to accommodate your requirements whether you are:
Addicted to drink, drugs, cigarettes, food, gambling, toxic relationships.
Struggling with Mental Health and need help getting through each day.
Not sure why you keep getting ill or would like to dig deeper into how you got ill in the first place?
You need to release deep seated trauma from recent events, childhood, womb or past lives?
You are blocked in your business or relationships and cant seem to move forward?
Whatever your struggles in life, we provide daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly programs using the modalities we are trained in to help you release what no longer serves you from an emotional perspective. This definitely works best alongside anything you are already doing like Counselling, Therapy of any kind, Forward Trust Programs and even Detox rehab programs. Depending on your needs and where you are on your journey, you may need to book in for other programs whilst doing this.
This can also be a great place to start if you'd like guidance on how to address what's going on in your life to do with money as this can help release blocks that are stopping you manifesting the life the desire. We can also look at your finances to help you budget, set goals and to improve your credit report and credit score
We tailor your sessions to give you the right tools, so you can cope and manage with your emotions whilst you are working with us, between sessions and long after. This means you really don't need to worry about what's trying to come up.
Up until this point, you may have only known bad habits as a coping mechanism and so the thought of going without that can be daunting. We look at why you started them in the first place to find the root cause, like a jenga block, if you take the right one out, the whole lot goes.
You will be taught how to self regulate your emotions in a safe and loving environment where you can open up and look at your stuff with care, kindness and a gentle attitude towards yourself. Things may have been hidden or pushed down for so long that it feels scary knowing it wants to rear its ugly head, there is nothing ugly about what you have been through, just a lack of understanding and the knowing how to deal with it.
Will this work for me?
Well, to do this work, you must have an understanding that we are not here to do it for you, you've got to want to change what you're doing or it won't work. If you always do, what you've always done, you'll always get, what you've always got!
All clients are given homework from the very first session, for best results, our clients know that EFT Tapping will be a huge part of their new daily routine, we see life changing results when they stick to this, without consistency, results may be poor.
Please note: Sessions for Addictions can only be taken when you are in the right mindset and cannot be taken whilst you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, therefore, sessions would need to be taken at a time of day that you can meet this requirement.
Below is a guide of our programs. As energy healing channels, sessions may vary due to reading the energy of our clients and could change as we go each week. Also, because of Covid, we mostly work online now.
All our programs give you the tools you'll need for a better life, whether you're just looking to regulate on a daily basis or if you'd like to work deeper to find out why you have got to this point in your life. Just know that you are in a safe space to explore and help change what led you here.
You get to experience all the different types of modalities we offer which really breaks up some of the deep emotional work that we'll be doing together.
1 Week - Mentorship Program £995 (Everyday)
Upto 1 hour sessions taken daily for 7 days
(session times may vary depending on energy levels)
Plus, 1 x 20 min follow-up video call (1 week after sessions have finished)
This program is for people who:
Have never done this work before and need support fast
Would like to start from somewhere
Struggles with suicidal thoughts
Needs a daily routine to change current habits
Dealing with an addiction(s)
Would like extra support alongside other programs/therapy
Requires a new coping mechanism
This give clients a daily routine that they can carry on and use long after our sessions together.
It helps with emotional regulation to overcome triggers, release trauma symptoms and to help you safely back into your body using breathing techniques, EFT tapping, Entity Clearing & Theta Healing with downloads to release and clear out everything that no longer serves you.
This is a very gentle program aimed at regulating your nervous system to bring you back into balance and having a sense of calm.
2 Week - Mentorship Program £695 (Twice a week)
Upto 1 hour sessions taken twice a week for 2 weeks
(session times may vary depending on energy levels)
Plus, 1 x 15 min review video call (after week 1)
1 x 20 min follow-up video call (1 week after sessions have finished)
This program is for people who:
Have completed our Week 1 program and looking for a follow on
Would like extra support alongside other programs/therapy
Need help getting back on their feet
Requires a new coping mechanism
Looking for extra help before booking a block of sessions
Would like to excel their healing journey by having more than one session per week
The two week program has been designed to have one gentle session and one deep session per week. Doing lots of work too soon can cause a healing crises and therefore the sessions will greatly depend on your energy levels and progress. We'll be using breathing techniques, EFT tapping, Matrix Reimprinting, Entity Clearing & Theta Healing with downloads to release and clear out everything that no longer serves you.
3 Week - Mentorship Program £1495 (Week 1 & 2)
This program is week 1 & week 2 combined
(session times may vary depending on energy levels)
Plus, 2 x 15 min review video calls (after week 1 & 2)
1 x 20 min follow-up video call (1 week after sessions have finished)
This program is for people who:
Would like to combine weeks 1 and 2
Looking for a deeper dive into shifting stagnant and blocked energies
Help shift trauma symptoms
Testing, clearing and changing beliefs
Requires a new coping mechanism
Doing lots of work too soon can cause a healing crises and therefore the sessions will greatly depend on your energy levels and progress. The sessions will be divided up into gentle and deep sessions each week. We'll be using breathing techniques, EFT tapping, Matrix Reimprinting, Entity Clearing & Theta Healing with downloads to release and clear out everything that no longer serves you.
We offer a FREE 30 min video call to see if what we offer resonates with you
The therapies, training and services on this website are not offered as a cure or as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. The information provided on this website, expressed or implied, is for the purposes of information only; it is not given as medical advice. If you have a health problem, health question or medical emergency you are advised to consult your doctor.